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Why your small business needs professional copywriting.

Calling all small business owners!

Are you time poor? Being stretched in multiple directions at once? Do you have trouble finding the time to update your website copy or get working on that marketing strategy you’ve been putting off? You have probably stumbled across this post because you’re wondering if you should engage the services of a professional copywriter to manage your content needs. Well, if any of the above sounds familiar, then you probably do!

Hire a copywriter

Connect with your customers.

Small businesses need to connect on a personal level with their customers. This is the key to great copywriting; we are all human after all. Understanding your target audience will help you to deliver content that is relevant to their needs. Whether it’s website copy, blogs, advertising or social media posts, knowing what makes your ideal customer tick will help you resonate with your audience.

To understand the pain points they’re experiencing, or indeed what problems they are looking to solve will ensure you are able to present your products and services in a manner that speaks to potential customers. Your business provides the very thing that your prospects are looking for – you need to make sure they know this!

When it comes to website copy, you need to think about what leads a visitor to your site. What questions are they asking and, more importantly, are you answering those questions?

Research takes time.

So now you know you need to understand your audience. And a lot of business owners will have an intrinsic knowledge of who your ideal customers are by virtue of being an industry expert. However, that doesn’t mean you’re able to speak in a language that they will understand.

Industry jargon, overly technical explanations, assumed knowledge – these are all traps that an unskilled writer can easily fall into. This is where professional copywriters come in. We’re experts in our field, which means we spend time researching your business, industry, and target market to make sure we deliver content that is clear, concise, and on track with what your prospects are looking for.

Writing for small business

Quality content helps your small business grow.

Small business, solopreneur, start-up… great copy can take your business to the next level. On the other hand, crappy copy can kill a brand. And that’s not what we’re here for. Quality over quantity might be a cliché, but it really is a “thing” and as far as copywriting goes, a very valuable thing to remember!

Consider visitors to your website. How did they find you? What questions are they asking? Providing informative, educational and relevant content will guide prospects along the customer journey. Outlining clearly why your business can provide the solutions prospects are looking for is key to driving sales.

Compelling copy drives sales.

Protect your business.

You don’t want to do your business a disservice by publishing poorly written copy. It reflects badly on a company when the marketing is lacklustre. Having expertly written and consistent marketing copy ensures credibility and helps to develop your brand tone of voice. Why is this important?

Establishing your brand identity in the minds of your customers and prospects will help them to solidify a relationship with your brand. Your business is so much more than a service – it’s a brand that needs developing and growing, it has a personality that resonates with your audience, and it communicates your business messages direct to your customers. You’ll get customer loyalty by speaking their language and fixing their problems.

Reclaim your time.

Outsourcing labour shows good business acumen! It’s more cost effective to practise what you’re good at and outsource areas you’re weakest. Your own unique skills are what makes your business successful. Don’t devalue your strengths by wasting time focussing on things that are laborious, especially if it doesn’t come naturally or you don’t enjoy it. Often folks’ enjoyment is reflected in their craft. You’re an expert at what you do, so concentrate on that and leave the copywriting to, well, the copywriters.

Hire a copywriter.

In short, all businesses need copywriters. Whether you’re just starting out on your small business journey or looking to refresh a stagnant website, professional copywriting is key to ensuring your content is fresh, relevant, and persuasive.

You want to grow your brand and run your business. Our suggestion? Invest your time where it matters most and outsource your marketing copy to the experts. It’s time saving, cost effective, and the best way to get good returns on your investment. Ready to get started with a professional, freelance copywriter?

Contact Mint Feather Creative to get started.